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Staffing Ideas to Strengthen Your Team - and Speed Your Recovery

No one could have predicted the challenges we would face and changes we would need to make, but many people are adapting and thriving. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the overall economy and individual businesses. Successful companies are rising to the challenge and finding ways to make the most of this new reality.

As companies get back to business, they are facing challenges they have never seen before.

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8 Ways to Keep Furloughed Employees Engaged

Furloughs can give affected employees and their companies some peace of mind: furloughed employees know that their jobs still exist, and organizations have access to a suitably vetted and trained talent pool for those roles. But those employees aren’t always willing or able to wait around long enough for their employers to call them back.

For that reason, it’s prudent for a company to do everything it can to stay as connected as possible to its furloughed talent to avoid losing it completely.

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How to Work With a Staffing Company in a Remote World

If your company isn’t used to long-distance partnerships, or if you are a company that prefers to work with local businesses, this will be a bit of an adjustment. But, if you follow these tips, you can build a successful partnership with a staffing company in a remote world.

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Remote Interviewing: Best Practices For Employers

If you are new to remote interviewing, don’t be intimidated. With the right tools and preparation, you can be effective from a distance. Follow these best practices to get the most out of your remote interviews.

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Benefits of Maintaining Strong Communication With Your Candidates Through A Crisis

Whatever your struggles are now, there are real benefits that come with staying in touch with candidates throughout this crisis.  

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