Client Resources

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Discover Your Team’s Hidden Heroes

Identifying high-performance individuals is a no brainer. They either deliver or they don’t – the evidence is right in front of you. High potential employees can be tougher to identify. 

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Turning Over a New Leaf: Retool Your Leadership Skills in 2021

For managers learning how to lead blended teams, however, the learning curve has grown suddenly steeper. The skills managers need to be effective today are different from those in 2019, or even in the first months of 2020.

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Giving Thanks: High-Impact, Budget-Friendly Recognition Ideas

With a fluctuating economy and full teams of remote workers, managers need new, inventive (but cost-effective!) ways to show appreciation for jobs well done.

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Monkey Mind: Beating Distractions in the Workday

Most people feel busy and distracted throughout the day - calm and focus and a feeling of purpose are fairly rare for most of us.

Many of us would like a calmer, more focused way of being, at least some of the time.

How do we develop this kind of focused mind, able to come to rest?

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