Client Resources

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Top 10 OSHA Violations: Stay Out of the Crosshairs

In 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) wrote thousands of citations for safety violations. Here are the top ten violations OSHA cited. Address these safety risks now to keep your workers healthy - and stay off OSHA’s radar.

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Hiring Someone Smarter Than You: Genius Move…or Dumb Idea?

Will bringing on someone who challenges the status quo (and potentially shines a light on your weak spots) ultimately benefit your career – and your team's performance? You decide!

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The (New) "Right Stuff": Essential Qualities the Modern Manager Needs

Management has undergone a paradigm shift. Whether you're hiring, upskilling your current team, or just looking to hone your skills, here's the "right stuff" today's managers need to propel your company toward a brighter future.

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Get It Done: Strategic Staffing for Today’s Economy

Hiring freezes? Tight budgets? Too much overhead? Use these innovative ideas to control costs, stay optimally staffed, and still get it all done!

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Feeling Understaffed? Here’s What to Do

Controlling overhead is important in our current economy, but understaffing causes chronic problems that can hold you and your company back. If you're feeling the squeeze, take these steps

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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these articles is intended to provide useful information. It is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal services. For specific legal advice, please consult your attorney.
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