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Staying Safe on the Job: OSHA Updates

OSHA is stepping up enforcement and rolling out new rules. From electronic recordkeeping requirements to new procedures for handling whistleblower retaliation complaints, here’s what you need to know to stay safe (and compliant) in 2024.

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New Year, New Employment Laws: Get Ready for These Changes

With the flip of the calendar comes a host of new employment law challenges and changes. From federal to state laws, wage hikes to data privacy, make sure you're staying up-to-date on the new laws and updates which may impact your workplace.

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The First 90 Days: Maximize New Hire Success to Prevent Turnover

With so much attention on effective recruitment and hiring practices, it’s easy to forget that retaining top talent can sometimes be more challenging than finding high-quality workers in the first place

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Job Skills for the Modern Workplace

Whether you’re reskilling your staff or looking to hire, these are the skills your employees need to thrive in the new world of work.

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Smart HR: Sick Leave Policy

Offering sick leave is one thing.

Making sure your employees use it effectively is another. Here’s how to create a sound, compliant policy for employees who need to call in sick.

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DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these articles is intended to provide useful information. It is published with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal services. For specific legal advice, please consult your attorney.
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